Frequently Asked Questions

When can I schedule a tour?

Please reach out to us, and we can schedule tour! We would love to meet you and show you around!

What events can I host?

Almost anything! Weddings, Family Reunions, Parties, Etc.

What is your pricing?

Our pricing starts at $1400! Please reach out to us for a detailed pricing sheet.

Can I stay the night at the house?

We are proud to offer options that include an overnight stay! This is a great option, especially for weddings, as it gives you an extra day to set up your decorations and have your rehearsal dinner on the property!

How many can the Chapel sit?

The Chapel can seat approximately 100 people inside, and we can add even more seating outside.

How many can the barn sit?

We can provide seating for up to 300 people - approximately 220 inside the barn and around 80 outside the barn.

What’s included with booking the venue?

You have access to all three structures—the house, the chapel, and the barn. Also included are tables, chairs, a sound system, a huge parking lot, an ice machine, wedding decorations, and fiber internet! Just about everything you need for an amazing experience!!

Do you have any photographers or videographers that you recommend?

Actually, we know plenty! We are Wedding Videographers ourselves and we offer photography as well. If we are available on your big day, maybe consider our Alvastage Happily Ever After Package, which includes a weekend stay at the venue, a photographer, and an award winning videography team. You can see our work here: